West Midlands Police admitted to the EDL supporters present at the roof top protest that they had to impose a section 27 dispersal order as they simply did not have the resources to keep the Muslim gangs away.
EDL website: - “Gangs of Muslims are roaming the streets with knives. We have had a lot of feedback from supporters in Dudley, and all are saying the same things, the police are letting this happen. Muslims are being allowed to walk around unchallenged with weapons. Knives, bricks, you name it. What is going on in this Country? There are hundreds of police there, but none seem to be doing anything about them”.
So the protesters were not arrested because they were protesting but because the police ‘could not deal with the Muslim gangs’, remember these Muslim gangs are roaming OUR streets and the police are powerless to stop them.
Why not call in a detachment of the British Army as they know how to deal with Muslims, they have had plenty of practice in Afghan etc.
We must stop these Muslim gangs taking over OUR streets; the police must assert the rule of the law not take the easy way out to placate them.
If these Muslims want to riot then let them but the police should then ‘pretend’ that they are nationalists, they would then find the resources to deal with them would they not?
It appears that the peaceful EDL demonstration was ended by ‘armed police’, not by negotiation as would be the case.
The right to peaceful protest has now been denied by armed officers of the state who themselves were afraid of Muslims with knives and bricks and took the safe option.
The EDL as much as I do not agree with their makeup are showing the way in organising protests within the UK and I respect them for that.
Perhaps it is now time for us as British Nationalists to do the same, time to make our voice heard, time to make a difference on OUR streets.
We will never retake OUR streets unless we take to OUR streets that is a fact.
Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)