With the news through that the BNP have lost ALL 12 seats on Barking and Dagenham Council it is clear that Nick Griffin is the Gravedigger of British Nationalism.
This election proves two things:-
a) The white working class do not see the suited nu-Nationalists of the BNP as an alternative to Labour.
b) The BNP - run into the ground by scandal after scandal is an unmitigated disaster. Griffin MUST go!
The NF admittedly did not got a great percentage of votes in the handful of seats we sat but we never claimed we would - we could got a million leaflets out and put ourselves back in as a contender again - and we did it without betraying ONE principle. The NF IS the alternative to Labour - the NF is the voice of the white working class and tat is what must now be done - mobilisation of the people on an extra-parliamentary scenario is the way forward - and that means a return to the traditional methods of street politics.