It is with regret that I learned yesterday that the annual John Tyndall Memorial meeting which has been held every year around the 19th July has been cancelled. Since John Tyndall's death in 2005, each year as seen the holding of a memorial meeting. Now this year, its previous organisers - once staunch Tyndall supporters but now nothing but lackeys to Nick Griffin's anti-Tyndallite policies (so sue me!) - have backed down from the arrangement. Can it be that these people - who voted like sheep for the BNP to be changed into a multi-racial party and in one particularly bad case, even twisted JT's words to expunge their conscience!) - dare not face the true White Nationalists who would turn up at such a meeting and ask some serious questions of these sell-outs?
The National Front is under no such constraints and is looking into hosting an annual event to remember a man who is without doubt still our spiritual Leader.
John Tyndall - PRESENT in our ranks!