Wednesday, 26 May 2010

For shame! JT Memorial meeting cancelled.

It is with regret that I learned yesterday that the annual John Tyndall Memorial meeting which has been held every year around the 19th July has been cancelled. Since John Tyndall's death in 2005, each year as seen the holding of a memorial meeting. Now this year, its previous organisers - once staunch Tyndall supporters but now nothing but lackeys to Nick Griffin's anti-Tyndallite policies (so sue me!) - have backed down from the arrangement. Can it be that these people - who voted like sheep for the BNP to be changed into a multi-racial party and in one particularly bad case, even twisted JT's words to expunge their conscience!) - dare not face the true White Nationalists who would turn up at such a meeting and ask some serious questions of these sell-outs?
The National Front is under no such constraints and is looking into hosting an annual event to remember a man who is without doubt still our spiritual Leader.
John Tyndall - PRESENT in our ranks!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Blighty isn't Blighty anymore

Anybody with cable can access a channel by the name of "Blighty" which tends to feature documentaries about Great Britain. So far so good until you see the Rainbow logo and multi-coloured Union Jack! This is a bit from the UKTV site:_

Pay-TV company UKTV is to launch the Blighty channel, a rebrand of UKTV People, next month as an "unashamed" celebration of all things British.

Blighty will launch at 9am on Tuesday, 17 February with a range of British-themed programming including Coast, When Louis Met... and Who Do You Think You Are?

UKTV said Blighty was aimed primarily at young couples in their 30s and 40s who are "interested in reconnecting with the country they live in and will also attract anyone who is secretly proud of Britain's landscape, heritage, music, sense of humour, or who loves the eccentricity of the British themselves".

Blighty logo - UKTV

Blighty, which UKTV said will "revel in what makes this country brilliant", will be marketed on-air and off-air using the strapline "One nation under a channel".

In other words another multi-racial promotion channel and that Union Flag is an insult!

Sunday, 23 May 2010

The Rudyard Kipling

The Beginning
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate.

Friday, 21 May 2010

From Milton Ellis

Milton stood as NF candidate in the recent General Election in the constituency of Montgomeryshire. He has recently had this letter of thanks to his voters published in local papers:-

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to thank all those who voted for the National Front.

In the concluding words of our first chairman A.K.Chesterton in his book 'The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics'.

" A conspiracy of worldwide dimensions does exist....unless we manage to defeat the conspirators, no matter how great the odds against us, we shall have nothing to pass on to our successors except the certainity of enslavement".

In the words of Ephesians, chapter 6:v12.

'For we wrestle not against flesh..........................against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Yours Sincerley,

Milton Ellis.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Cry tears in the rain

Cry tears in the rain
From the dimmed glories of the past
from Agincourt and Crecy
from Blenheim and the Somme
look down on your country's last
agony of misery and pain

and cry tears in the rain

As you stood in warrior's steel

on Senlac Hill and Ypres
at Waterloo and Trafalgar
come back to us now
and see your dying strain
and cry tears in the rain

For the country you fought for

is dying more each day
You would not know it now
and if You came back
like us, You - our slain
Would cry tears in the rain

Eddy Morrison (May, 2010)

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

I would join the National Front BUT.....

....its a bit extremist.
With a growing number of totally disillusioned BNP members now coming into the Front, one unfortunate refrain we hear from some hanging back is "I would join but isn't the NF a bit extreme".
It is very frustrating having to cope with accusation as the definition of what an 'extremist' is, is vague to say the least! I once said in a not too long ago speech that we live in extreme times and it is a time for extremists, but I was just playing on words. What are extreme views to one are perfectly acceptable to another.
We are accused for instance of being Holocaust deniers, White supremacists, anti-Jewish etc etc.
Let's deal with these then. The National Front keeps an open mind on the subject of the Holocaust (one of many of course - let us not forget the Communist Holocaust against the Ukrainians in the 1930's or Pol Pot's against his own people in Cambodia) - however in our schools only ONE Holocaust is taught. I have my own opinions about it but they are NOT stated NF policy. All the NF asks is that we keep an open mind on this subject and indeed any historical fact pushed out as the gospel truth to prop up our decadent liberal system.
They are jailing people for thinking, writing or talking about the Holocaust - whether it happened or not is not the main question - what is, is the fact that the rights of people to freely question history as dictated to us are being persecuted - just for having the nerve to question. That is an attack on civil and personal liberty and an attack on freedom - freedom which is dear to the NF's heart.
We are White supremacists? No we are not - we are White SEPARATISTS and there is a big difference. NF policy is not a policy of hatred of towards other races but love our own White folk first - and the true British people above all.
We are anti-Jewish. No, we are anti-Zionist and opposed the machinations of World Zionism which is a political machine encompassing Jews and non-Jews alike. Israel dictates world policy to America - which dances to Israel's tune and of course, our puppet state follows. This does not make us anti-Jewish. If some NF members have their own views on the Jews or any other group or race than that is up to them. The NF is a BROAD CHURCH movement and always has been - as long as members adhere so our basic principles then much is open to healthy debate and discussion. In fact the NF's internal democracy on policy and the way the Movement is run will be a healthy and heady dose of fresh air to BNP members used to having to live under the dictatorial rule of Messrs Griffin and co......
The best argument and one which is cast iron is that the National Front today is exactly what the BNP WAS before Griffin's reign of terror and sell-out started in 1999.
To older BNP members, they will find a comfortable home in the resurgent NF. To BNP members coming into the Front who do not remember a time before Griffin's era of gross misrule, then they will find a Movement - a Broad Church movement, that whilst requiring them to adhere to basic White Nationalist principles will not expel, proscribe or suspend them for genuinely querying any aspect of the NF.
So put aside this nonsense the NF is extremist in a time when only a hard line and uncompromising policy is the only way, as our race and nation goes down dying in the dust - a "march or die" situation indeed!
.....and what can be more 'extremist' than to throw out nearly all the principles the BNP stood for since its foundation in 1992 and replace them with extremely liberal, pro-multi racial policies? To me it is an extreme measure to allow non-Whites into a Party - and not only allow them but positively encourage them!
So in reality, Griffin has turned the BNP around into an EXTREMELY watered down party whereas the NF remains as before - what the BNP was under the NF's spiritual leader - John Tyndall.
If you are sick to death of the shenanigans of the the BNP leadership then your place is WITH US!

Monday, 17 May 2010

British Heritage magazines

Having a browse around in W.H Smith's the other day for my monthly Stamp Collecting magazine (sad eh?), when I saw a nice range of magazines covering our UK Heritage. Non political obviously but some fantastic pics and stories. Ranging from our own Yorkshire "The Dalesman" (a great read for we Tykes ( try translating "wist thi' bairn?' into modern English))
to the excellent This England magazine, they are well worth a look-see. All Nationalists should bone up on their heritage whether Scots, Irish, Welsh or English.
Other titles to look for:-
Heritage Today
Old Glory
British Heritage
Best of British
A refreshing discovery after Asian Times, Black Voice, The Jewish Chronicle etc etc etc....!!!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Arguments against NG beng Leader

I found this post by "British Fascisti" and whilst I cannot agree with all his conclusions (the piece about Mr.Griffin's baggage is very ambiguous = does he mean financial baggage or ideological baggage? - if the latter then it needs clarifying.) I am posting it as seen though as it is eddifying and might promote further positive debate......we can but hope

Ten Reasons why the BNP needs a new leader

1 Alleged financial corruption

Most of us by now will have seen the leaked accounts. If they are fake then the party should say so, if they are genuine then the party has a lot of explaining to do. It's in the BNP's own interest to make the accounts more transparent. If it can be seen that the money is not being misused, then members would be more willing to donate. What has Griffin got to hide?

2 The disaster that was Barking

In his latest email NG claims the BNP was wiped out in Barking because of demographic change. He claims that Barking is now 40% foreign, other sources say it's 20-30% foreign. Whatever it is, I think Griffin should have left Barking to the local candidate Richard Barnbrook. If NG had stood in Thurrock, as originally intended, then the anti-BNP opposition in Barking would have been considerably diluted, split between opposing Barnbrook in Barking and opposing Griffin in Thurrock. By standing in Barking Griffin made it easy for them.

3 Incompetence

Every year the BNP is being fined thousands of pounds because the accounts are late. Isn't it time the accounts were done by a qualified accountant? Again, what has Griffin got to hide?

4 Lapse security

The BNP membership list has been leaked onto the internet twice in the past year. Members have lost their jobs because of it. The buck stops with Griffin.

5 The Question Time fiasco

This was the best chance the BNP has ever had to make a favourable impression. It was a complete disaster.

6 Playing fast and loose with member's money

When the EHRC took the BNP to court,the party was fined about £50,000 in total for wasting the court's time. Hundreds of thousands of pounds were lost because of a membership ban which NG proposed himself. The ban on new members lasted 5 months.

The party is currently facing being fined by Unilever because of the silly marmite stunt and being fined by Reuters for illegal use of a copyright image. With the 2008 accounts under investigation by the electoral commission, it seems likely another heavy fine will soon be coming the party's way. Other court cases pending are for the unfair dismissal of party members.

7 The British Multicultural Party

I will accept that the BNP had to change it's constitution to stay legal. However, NG has taken it upon himself to go much further. He has rolled out the welcoming mat to ethnics across Britain, even going so far as to use a Sikh in the BNP election broadcast. Does he have a mandate to deliberately make the BNP multicultural? I think not. He's also guilty of fast tracking ethnics within the party. The Sikh is now party spokesman on Islamic Affairs yet he's only been a member for a few weeks. Is that a paid position? There is no evidence that this strategy is increasing BNP support. In fact it's driving our supporters away including many BNP members.

8 Image is everything

The public like BNP policies but they don't like the BNP's image, yet for years Collett was allowed to stay in the party giving it a bad name. He would still be in the party now if it hadn't become personal, with alleged threats against NG's life. There are others in the party as bad as Collet in prominent positions, while decent more capable members get expelled. This is how it will remain so long as Griffin stays as leader.


With the prospect of some form of PR, it would be of great benefit to the BNP if a deal could be done with UKIP at election times. UKIP and the BNP share a lot of common ground and we are stealing each others votes.

Thurrock is an example

Emma Colgate BNP 3,618 7.9% +1.8
Clive Broad UKIP 3,390 7.4% +4.0

Without the UKIP candidate, a lot of his votes would have gone to Emma.

UKIP will never deal with the BNP while Griffin is leader.

10 Griffin has too much baggage

NG has too much baggage to take the BNP any further as leader. To take the party up to the next level the party needs a leader with a good image and no baggage.

A female leader would be ideal, somebody who the members can trust. She doesn't have to be a brilliant speaker because the party could appoint a spokesperson to do the media interviews. It works for UKIP and it could work for the BNP. Lord Pearson is UKIP leader, Farage is the party spokesman.

Australia have had their Pauline Hanson and the next leader of the Front National is likely to be Le Pen's daughter Marine, so why not a woman leading the BNP?

NG could be offered the role of party spokesman which I'm sure he would be good at.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The Eight Principles of White Nationalism

THE EIGHT PRINCIPLES OF WHITE NATIONALISM – the foundation stones of NF ideology by Eddy Morrison
1. Our race comes above all. Without the solid foundation of a homogeneous race, no healthy nation can be built. We are opposed to mass immigration into our homelands and are opposed to both integration of races and the multi-racial society. We believe that racial integration breeds violence and hatred and is detrimental to all races. Racial separation leads to mutual respect and separate development as each race follows its own unique destiny.
2. We are racial nationalists. We believe that the nation is the foundation of the state. We are opposed to Globalism and Internationalism which seek to destroy and enslave nations.
3. We believe in the sanctity of the family as the building brick of the healthy nation. Family life is under threat from many directions - record divorce rates, abortion on demand, single parent families and homosexual life styles all threaten the existence of the family. The destruction of the family as the basic building brick of the nation is the source of many of our nation’s ills.
4. We have a philosophy that teaches that we are but another link in the gradual evolution of man towards a higher state. We seek to build a true race and nation whose eventual goal is both to better the prosperity of its people and enhance their chances of pursuing the dictates of nature and natural selection.
5. We are morally opposed to liberal-democracy as opposed to British Democracy. This evil creed is yet another form of International totalitarianism, with its false humanism and the cult of White racial guilt.
6. We believe in historical truth and seek to establish what really happened in history so that we might counter the arguments of the Enemy and also learn from our past.
7. We believe that the Old System is a fraud and a sham. We wish to establish a new type of State based on leadership, authority and discipline. There are no rights without duties. There is no national dignity without the people believing in their race and nation above all else.
8. We believe in freedom of thought, expression and action. We are opposed to all laws that seek to rob the White people and White Nationalists of expressing and promoting their ideas and beliefs.

This is the essence of White Nationalism. These principles form the basis of the NF’s programme. White Nationalism is the wave of the future. It has risen from the ashes of the cataclysm of the last century and now represents the only way forward for our people and is the only guarantee of their continued existence as a folk in this new and vital final struggle of our Folk.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Why the NF fielded candidates

Just got this from Stormfront - a good summary of why we mus SELECTIVELY contest elections - the results the NF got show we are doing better in local elections - a lesson to take on board?

Putting the money aspect aside, we had to stand candidates in the election for numerous reasons.

1. As already stated previously, the NF has stood somewhat in a dormant state for so long I wonder who actually thought the party didn't exist anymore. We needed to show the public that we are still alive and kicking.

2. We needed to grasp an idea of who is willing to vote for us and in what areas. This way we can focus our attentions on building a solid supporter base in these areas whilst also trying to grab attention in other parts too. For instance, Chris Jackson got the biggest % therefore, you focus energies on making sure those people become active and vote for us again.

3. The elections have been great for enquiries. We have received enquiries en masse in the lead up to the elections and if you combine them with the areas we received decent support from, you can then put the two together and begin to build a mass movement.

4. We put all that effort in to preserve our race and nation. This is what we do it for.

The NF, although the oldest Nationalist party, is still building. We are trying to drag it up and put it on a solid foundation and I believe that the efforts made by good, honest nationalists within the party will give us that springboard we need.

I'd just like to say well done to everyone involved: general candidates, local candidates, election agents, activists, supporters and voters. We should all be extremely proud of ourselves.

Rally Round The Front!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Nick Griffin - Gravedigger of British Nationalism

With the news through that the BNP have lost ALL 12 seats on Barking and Dagenham Council it is clear that Nick Griffin is the Gravedigger of British Nationalism.
This election proves two things:-
a) The white working class do not see the suited nu-Nationalists of the BNP as an alternative to Labour.
b) The BNP - run into the ground by scandal after scandal is an unmitigated disaster. Griffin MUST go!
The NF admittedly did not got a great percentage of votes in the handful of seats we sat but we never claimed we would - we could got a million leaflets out and put ourselves back in as a contender again - and we did it without betraying ONE principle. The NF IS the alternative to Labour - the NF is the voice of the white working class and tat is what must now be done - mobilisation of the people on an extra-parliamentary scenario is the way forward - and that means a return to the traditional methods of street politics.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Blimey - whats up?

Checked the BNP website today and got this....

A message from Simon Bennett due to the volume of phone calls and emails I am receiving:

This website and domain are no longer in my control. I have not sabotaged it. The domain name has been pointing to the new BNP server since last night (5th May) which is completely out of my hands. If your Emails are affected, again this is completely out of my hands and control.

If you are reading this message it is because they have set up their server incorrectly and this needs to be resolved by the new webmaster.

It is important to note that I have been working hard to negotiate a seamless switchover of the website, but for reasons unknown to me the leadership have chosen to force the domain from me, steal my work, data and systems and go it alone rather than paying for it. I will continue to work hard to try and resolve the situation quickly, professionally and amicably. This is in the hands of Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson, not me.

It should also be noted that they have decided to put a personal grudge against me before the interests of the party and its members. This was not a fight of my choosing.

Today YOU can vote National Front...

With the NF standing in 17 General Election seats and also a further 18 council seats - around a million voters will have a chance to vote National Front. This is the most candidates the Front has put forward since 1983. So if you are lucky enough to have a Front candidate in your are then get out and VOTE!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010



West Midlands Police admitted to the EDL supporters present at the roof top protest that they had to impose a section 27 dispersal order as they simply did not have the resources to keep the Muslim gangs away.

EDL website: - “Gangs of Muslims are roaming the streets with knives. We have had a lot of feedback from supporters in Dudley, and all are saying the same things, the police are letting this happen. Muslims are being allowed to walk around unchallenged with weapons. Knives, bricks, you name it. What is going on in this Country? There are hundreds of police there, but none seem to be doing anything about them”.

So the protesters were not arrested because they were protesting but because the police ‘could not deal with the Muslim gangs’, remember these Muslim gangs are roaming OUR streets and the police are powerless to stop them.

Why not call in a detachment of the British Army as they know how to deal with Muslims, they have had plenty of practice in Afghan etc.

We must stop these Muslim gangs taking over OUR streets; the police must assert the rule of the law not take the easy way out to placate them.

If these Muslims want to riot then let them but the police should then ‘pretend’ that they are nationalists, they would then find the resources to deal with them would they not?

It appears that the peaceful EDL demonstration was ended by ‘armed police’, not by negotiation as would be the case.

The right to peaceful protest has now been denied by armed officers of the state who themselves were afraid of Muslims with knives and bricks and took the safe option.

The EDL as much as I do not agree with their makeup are showing the way in organising protests within the UK and I respect them for that.

Perhaps it is now time for us as British Nationalists to do the same, time to make our voice heard, time to make a difference on OUR streets.

We will never retake OUR streets unless we take to OUR streets that is a fact.

Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)

Monday, 3 May 2010

EU in Crisis

Late last week more evidence came to light which proves that the idiotic European Bureaucrats are truly living in cloud cuckoo land. On April 28th, they brushed aside the economic crisis, and seemed to forget the grave effects it has had on countries such as Britain, and announced plans for a staggering six per cent budget increase.

On the most shocking aspects of this increase is that the auditors have refused point blank to sign off the commission’s accounts for the past 15 years due to inconsistencies which may be down to fraud.

The huge increase will see the EU budget rise by £7billion to a knee crippling £114billion. Britain is currently the second highest contributor to the EU budget, handing over a record £7.9 billion this year.

The proposed six per cent increase will see this increase by a huge £450million. But with this insane figure in mind, experts are also saying that this figure could be an understatement, since the EU Commission has not taken into account the cost of the pointless Diplomatic service, which is expected to add billions to the bill.

EU budget commissioner Janusz Lewandowski said the huge increase was needed to help aid economic recovery in Europe. But this doesn’t make sense, since it would be more beneficial to economic recovery if independent nations kept the money, especially in such times of austerity .

In such times, nations all across Europe are tightening their belts, and maybe its time the EU caught up and did the same.

The proposal isn’t a dead cert yet, since it has to be approved by the European Parliament and EU leaders, however, sources say that the great bulk of the proposal will be nodded through without question.

What we must remember is that the EU is a corrupt institution which is taking away tax payers money for its own purpose. The British people did not give it the go ahead, we never said we wanted apart of the EU. It boggles the mind how anyone would want to be apart of an institution which has not has its books signed off in 15 years…. Its border line criminal. The Government had no right to give our country away to the EU, because it is not theirs to give… ITS OURS! It is treason, and it is up to the public to show their distaste towards the cowards and traitors currently running this country into the ground, by supporting a party that will withdraw from the EU and look out for our own interests.

Britain would be a much richer country if it weren’t for the EU, and we would have more control over our own affairs. We need to get out before all our freedoms, and our national sovereignty is sold away to the corrupt, tyrannical European Union.

(Contributor - Mike, Swindon NF)

"The Fanatics"

Got this in the Inbox today

The definitive inside-story of the rise of the British far Right and a new angle of investigation in the murder of Ian Stuart.

Will the National Front replace the BNP as Britain's premier Nationalist political party after Nick Griffin's sell-out to the Marxist Racial 'Equality' Commission? Find out now:

Saturday, 1 May 2010

NF Statement of intent

From informative essays on contemporary issues and policy to a brand new e-newsletter, our Blog aims to provides a wealth of information to the public, media outlets and members alike. So, welcome to "Nationalist central" where you will find real answers to all your concerns about the condition of Britain today.

If you believe that the present predicament of Britain now is justified because of our 'imperialist' past and that this is why we now face our nemesis, or if you just don't care, then read no further.

Many of you, we're sure, feel yourself well served by the government in this country. You vote in every election and consider yourselves to be free citizens in a free state.

The alliance of engineering and science has been triumphant and most of us are content with our standard of living, yet, on the other hand, many feel insecure despite their prosperity. We sense that bad times are ahead.

These days we are at the mercy of powerful special interests: international capitalists, banks, media manipulators, corrupt politicians and racial minorities.

We are now all living in multi-ethnic 'civic societies'. Our cities seem to be drifting into a twilight world; we find ourselves living in societies whose 'leaders' fail to recognise ancient rights of exclusion.

Our unique cultural heritage is being destroyed and the precious asset of a common culture is already lost: We are heading towards a racial catastrophe and all the racial groups in this country will experience its bloody consequences.

Some accuse those of us who profess the doctrine of Nationalism of being 'anti-democratic', yet the same people who toss this accusation at us wish to deny us our democratic rights. They deny us access to all the usual channels of communication - TV, Radio, Newspapers; all retail outlets refuse to stock our literature; our telephones are tapped; the security forces continuously try to monitor us on our perfectly legal activities. In their 'democracy' you have to pay for your democratic rights: No money=no voice=no power. Their democracy is rule by the rich for the rich.

We will reinstate the values of separatism to our racial kindred. We will create a society where respectful values, once believed essential to sustain our civilisation's success, are no longer regarded as being 'old fashioned' and 'out of date'.

We advocate a mono-racial society: We live in a nation that is historically of the white race and we will stabilise our population by introducing a complete halt to all further immigration into our country. Coupled with this we will begin a programme that will result in the repatriation of all non-White people living here to their countries of ethnic origin. The only alternative to this policy is racial conflict, much to the detriment of the indigenous White population and the non-Whites currently residing here. Multiracialism is an unnatural fantasy that will never work and will only result in catastrophe. Our repatriation policy is the only realistic alternative to this scenario and will be to the benefit of Black and White alike.

Our economic policies are ones that will institute National Freedom and Social Justice. We will pass laws to ensure the widespread ownership of shops, factories and farms. We want family ownership, not the big production unit, to be characteristic of the economy. We do not recognise divisions of class; we merely demand a society where each citizen works alongside his fellow citizens for the betterment of all. Under a National Front government small private businesses along with workers' co-operatives will form the basis for most industrial ownership: This is REAL Socialism - neither Capitalism nor Marxism!

We are in the abyss now. If tragedy is not to follow, then common-sense must be re-discovered.

We hope that you agree with us. We do not chase the backing of big business and the banks, we do not receive funds from the trade unions; but what we do have is the spirit of our ancestors that is still alive in every true Briton's heart.

If you feel, as we do, that Britain IS worth fighting for, join with us and give the traitors that have led us into this quandary their worst nightmare!

Friday, 30 April 2010

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The White Nationalist

Welcome to a new Blog in direct support of the National Front (UK)