....its a bit extremist.
With a growing number of totally disillusioned BNP members now coming into the Front, one unfortunate refrain we hear from some hanging back is "I would join but isn't the NF a bit extreme".
It is very frustrating having to cope with accusation as the definition of what an 'extremist' is, is vague to say the least! I once said in a not too long ago speech that we live in extreme times and it is a time for extremists, but I was just playing on words. What are extreme views to one are perfectly acceptable to another.
We are accused for instance of being Holocaust deniers, White supremacists, anti-Jewish etc etc.
Let's deal with these then. The National Front keeps an open mind on the subject of the Holocaust (one of many of course - let us not forget the Communist Holocaust against the Ukrainians in the 1930's or Pol Pot's against his own people in Cambodia) - however in our schools only ONE Holocaust is taught. I have my own opinions about it but they are NOT stated NF policy. All the NF asks is that we keep an open mind on this subject and indeed any historical fact pushed out as the gospel truth to prop up our decadent liberal system.
They are jailing people for thinking, writing or talking about the Holocaust - whether it happened or not is not the main question - what is, is the fact that the rights of people to freely question history as dictated to us are being persecuted - just for having the nerve to question. That is an attack on civil and personal liberty and an attack on freedom - freedom which is dear to the NF's heart.
We are White supremacists? No we are not - we are White SEPARATISTS and there is a big difference. NF policy is not a policy of hatred of towards other races but love our own White folk first - and the true British people above all.
We are anti-Jewish. No, we are anti-Zionist and opposed the machinations of World Zionism which is a political machine encompassing Jews and non-Jews alike. Israel dictates world policy to America - which dances to Israel's tune and of course, our puppet state follows. This does not make us anti-Jewish. If some NF members have their own views on the Jews or any other group or race than that is up to them. The NF is a BROAD CHURCH movement and always has been - as long as members adhere so our basic principles then much is open to healthy debate and discussion. In fact the NF's internal democracy on policy and the way the Movement is run will be a healthy and heady dose of fresh air to BNP members used to having to live under the dictatorial rule of Messrs Griffin and co......
The best argument and one which is cast iron is that the National Front today is exactly what the BNP WAS before Griffin's reign of terror and sell-out started in 1999.
To older BNP members, they will find a comfortable home in the resurgent NF. To BNP members coming into the Front who do not remember a time before Griffin's era of gross misrule, then they will find a Movement - a Broad Church movement, that whilst requiring them to adhere to basic White Nationalist principles will not expel, proscribe or suspend them for genuinely querying any aspect of the NF.
So put aside this nonsense the NF is extremist in a time when only a hard line and uncompromising policy is the only way, as our race and nation goes down dying in the dust - a "march or die" situation ind

.....and what can be more 'extremist' than to throw out nearly all the principles the BNP stood for since its foundation in 1992 and replace them with extremely liberal, pro-multi racial policies? To me it is an extreme measure to allow non-Whites into a Party - and not only allow them but positively encourage them!
So in reality, Griffin has turned the BNP around into an EXTREMELY watered down party whereas the NF remains as before - what the BNP was under the NF's spiritual leader - John Tyndall.
If you are sick to death of the shenanigans of the the BNP leadership then your place is WITH US!